Today is Mother's Day. Another day of moving on in this journey of grief, another "first" holiday. There are not too many firsts left as its now been almost 9 months since Jim died.
This year, today, is different for me. Jim usually reminded me in the most romantic way what made me a mom (wink, wink). He also always had flowers for me (Byron Nelson HS floral class rocks) and he learned that jewelry was the perfect gift.
This year, I got flowers from my Baby Girl and our best friends, George & Diane. I got to spend time with my mom and my daughter over the weekend, and tonight it's dinner, out, Austin's treat! I got beautiful cards and Austin--the iTunes card, perfect!
My children are truly wonderful, what a blessing they are to me and to anyone that knows them...it's Mothers Day, I can brag! Jim and I, wow! God allowed us to do such great work, what a collaboration -- those two precious human beings are the very best of both of us!
It's bitter sweet, as before Jim died, this day was pretty much all about me, in a most selfish way.
Today, I remember those gone before me (thanks Mom for releasing balloons as a remembrance of Grandma, Huffer and Mildred, Jim's mom).
I pray for comfort to women (and men) whose Mom's are in heaven--a hole for them always here on earth! I pray for women I know who are struggling with infertility, they yearn to be Moms! I pray for women I know who have lost babies before they were born, women who are suffering or have suffered through the tragic death of a child. I pray for the Moms in Haiti, who so desperately want to care for their children but don't know how, who struggle to put food on the table, a roof over their heads, much less medicine and doctor's visits. These are things I am so blessed to take for granted.
I subscribe to a daily email, Grief Share Daily, an Angel sent me the link soon after Jim died. It's daily words of hope, encouragement all tied to continuing to have faith and to lean into God during this journey. This morning's message truly touched me and I wanted to share. I pray that for anyone hurting, it offers hope and gives you strength to move on. This grief, is a journey, you must continue to move on, move forward. Are there set backs, unexpected turns? Absolutely! But we are to press on, with His help. God demands it from us...so we should probably listen.
What It Means to Move On
Moving on does not mean . . .
• you forget the person.
• you never feel the pain of your loss.
• you believe that life is fair.
Moving on does mean . . .
• you experience a lessening of the pain.
• you can treasure your best memories of the person who has died.
• you can realistically accept the different aspects of your loss.
• you can form new relationships, try new things.
Moving on also means . . .
• you grow in grace and in your walk with God.
• you accept your loss and forgive others.
• you understand that both joy and loss are a part of life.
• you believe that God is good, even when life isn't.
"I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete" (John 15:11).
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