Frustrated & Lonely
(warning--this blog is a rant, I was rather angry)
on Friday, October 28, 2011 at 10:49am

Frustrated: the dictionary defines this word as "feeling or expressing distress & annoyance, especially because of an inability to charge or achieve something."
- The credit union where Jim has banked since he was 9, and I've been on the account for 29 years is a source of frustration. This CU is in Belton/Killeen, so when I was down at mom's 3 weeks ago, I stopped by to see what I needed to do since Jim died. I was told HIS assets would be frozen, they needed a death certificate. Hmmmm, my name is on the account, there are NO survivor benefits, the $$$ is actually mine! It should not be this difficult! **FYI: the Social Security office was so, so easy!**
- One of the life insurance companies received the death certificate, 6 days later I get a letter informing me the certificate was 'pending' they needed a completed one....if the processor had LOOKED at the ADDENDUM to the certificate, towards the bottom 1/2 of the document, they would have seen it. I called: "oops, sorry, we will process this, but it will be tomorrow, our systems are down." I realize this is "just a job" for these people, but for the survivors--it's an emotional, distressing time and these tasks, when there are road bumps--make it worse...
- The short term disability I am trying to get---probably won't happen, since I'm not 'so severely disabled' I can't function....I suppose if I said I was a danger to myself or others, I'd get it...I have an amazing boss and I'm certain she will work with me. I truly just need this time to focus on grieving and reinventing myself--as one person, instead of the two I've always been.
Lonely: the dictionary defines this word as "being without company, sad from being alone, producing a feeling of bleakness or desolation."
- This is the emotion/feeling I'm having the strongest right now. I noticed it week ago, and actually talked it through w/my therapist this week. And it's something I have to make room for in my body and experience, (I tend to hold my breath to keep the grief inside--lessen the tears) it's all part of that walk through the valley of grief---the goal is to get to the other side, for me it is the struggle of not having a set timeline--I do not know how long the emotions will be so strong, nor do I know when the emotion is going to double me over with grief, I am unable to control it at this point.
- I can be in a crowd, with family or friends and I feel so overwhelmingly lonely. We went to the Alliance Air Show on Saturday-- Austin, Christi and I and as we walked around and sat and watched the airshow I realized I don't have that "someone" anymore who gets my jokes, I can share my thoughts with, discuss what's happening, laugh with, hold hands, share private jokes, melt into...
- Watching the Ranger games--I have this warped sense of humor about some of the baseball players names (Pujols is my current favorite...)--I'll pronounce them wrong on purpose, or sing a little ditty. Jim always commented that it was 'so different' watching sports w/me, I always kept it interesting. I miss that...
- I had a friend tell me how blessed I am that I have my kids, my family, my friends, my church(s). I tried to tell him, yes, I'm blessed by those that love me but it's just not the same! And to be FRANK (Kim/Susan), I'd rather have my husband back!
- Jim's physical presence is what I miss most...his touch, his arms, his hugs, the kisses, his warmth, the way he had of just sharing a look..sometimes that just said so much. No one, no one knew me like he did--and I doubt anyone will ever again.
I was going through his wallet, shredding credit cards that no longer will be used. I found a note I had written him and left in the car for him to see, I don't remember when I wrote it, but it was fairly recent: "When I see you, my heart jumps & I'm so full of love for you! You are my Joy! Be Careful! Love you! Edie :)" He carried that in his wallet along w/a Happy Valentine's day heart sticker...that note is now in my wallet.
The bible, when I searched for lonely brought up this verse: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5 (this was one of Elizabeth's verses when she was a toddler, so cute!)
I will trust in Him, and I am leaning on Him, but all of this hurts, and I don't like it, I don't like it at all--too bad a temper tantrum will not change anything because I believe I could conjure up a really good one right now!
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