I had a "wobbly" moment then an ANGEL appeared...
on Thursday, December 15, 2011 at 3:53pm ·

Before meeting Lorianne for lunch, I needed to pick up a few items from the grocery store. And at the Kroger, there's a jewelry store. There's also a Starbucks, furniture store, baby store, toy store, sushi bar, olive bar, but that's another blog, some other time!
I have a gold watch that has needed a battery for over a year, and I wanted to wear gold today, (I do like to accessorize) so I thought I'd pop in there, get a battery then grab my stuff.
A very nice lady, named Bennie helped me. She asked if I had replaced a battery here before, I told her no. She said if I filled out some information, the battery would be free! OK! She gives me the form, it asks the normal stuff, then there was a section for my spouse's information...
...my eyes filled with tears, she interjected that was so email reminders of special days could be sent.
...I then used "that" word for the very first time, outloud to a perfect stranger, "I'm a widow".
...and tears overflow my eyes, in front of a stranger, just doing her job.
...Bennie turned into an Angel! She took my hands in her's, asked me how long...16 weeks and 2 days (but who's counting)
...Bennie the Angel then asked if it was sudden, and I answered yes, and so very unexpected...his heart
....Bennie the Angel told me that she too is a widow, 4 years, her husband went out for his daily walk and did not return home, he collapsed and died of a heart attack.
...Bennie the Angel, witnessed to me, offered me comfort and told me that anytime I needed to talk with someone that "had been there" to come by and see her, and if it was break time, she'd be more than happy to walk with me around the store, or grab a cup of coffee.
The "wobbly" moment was from saying out loud the word WIDOW, it places such a bad taste in my mouth and makes me sick to my stomach....which reminds me I am also unable to say "Jim passed" or "I lost my husband"....#1 I didn't lose Jim, I know exactly where he is and it's not lost! #2 Passed, he didn't pass, Jim died and it's OK to use the word died, passed makes it sound like he was a kidney stone or something (in my mind anyway).
So, if you live locally, and you need to a new battery, jewelry repair or want to purchase jewelry, there's an angel at Fred Meyer Jewelry inside the Kroger Market Place at Alliance Town Center, her name is Bennie. Give her your business and tell her a very thankful widow referred you to her!
And if you work in retail, and you sense the customer you are assisting is hurting, take a moment, be an angel to them by saying a kind word, showing compassion. You may think it's no big deal -- trust me, to the person you are kind to, it means so very much!
This is a moment that will live in my heart forever, the compassion of a stranger, of an Angel! Isn't that what Mary & Joseph relied on all those years ago as they traveled home and searched for a place to have their baby--the compassion of strangers, the kindness of strangers.
It's all about Faith, Family, Friends...and strangers who become Angels right before your very eyes!
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