Valentine's Day...How to kidnap the one you love
on Friday, February 10, 2012 at 7:33pm ·
- My husband was a bit of a hoarder...he disliked throwing anything away he "thought" he might need or may reuse!
- My husband kept everything, and it's kind of a blessing. I didn't realize how bittersweet going through everything would be. Touching things and discovering things I hadn't seen in a very long time, all sorts of memories.
- I've found some stuff that will allow me to do something special for my kids. (shhh, that's a secret for another time)
- Jim had a box in the closet marked, "Jim's keepsakes." I haven't had the strength to actually go through it. I'm afraid that along w/the joy of memories of what was, I also will get lost in what will never be. I know I need to allow the grief to happen, but sometimes it sideswipes me and its so powerful, so painful.
In October of 1998 I kidnapped my husband. That was the year we celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. I was the store manager of AT&T in Temple, and my Assistant Store Manager, Nikki, helped me w/my notes. We spent hours cutting words and letters out of newspapers and magazines to create my notes, spraying them w/my favorite perfume.
- 3 weeks in advance I planned...arranged for the kids to stay w/my Mom; talked to Jim's boss to arrange a lunchtime pickup and he wouldn't return. Found a fabulous B&B in the Hill Country a few hours away.
- Jim left for work that Friday morning, we had plans for me to pick him up and take him to lunch (a date).
- I packed his bag after he left along with mine.
- I had created 6 "notes" each numbered and in a red envelope.
- I picked up Jim for lunch, never said a word--just handed him note #1 which instructed him that he was being kidnapped, ask no questions, gather you stuff, leave w/your wife, await further instructions (he would not stop asking questions, but I never gave in)
- Note #2 was delivered when we got in the car he was instructed: Go to lunch at Wendy's, get in the car, kiss your wife.
- Note #3 (delivered after the kiss) instructed: Travel IH-35 S; 190W to Lampasas, Hwy 281, STOP, kiss your wife.
- Note #4 (delivered after the kiss) instructed: Drive S on Hwy 281 to Marble Falls, STOP, kiss your wife.
- Note #5 (delivered, you got it, after a kiss) instructed: Continue S on 281 to Hwy 290, STOP, kiss your wife.
- Note #6 (after the kiss) instructed: Go W on 290 to hwy 16, STOP, Kiss your wife...
- after this kiss, I delivered my final red envelope, a letter:
By now you realize that we are Fredericksburg. I have kidnapped you for a romantic weekend -- just the two of us. We are not expected back in Belton until Sunday afternoon. I've had this secret for 3 weeks, can you believe it?!!
Ed gave me permission to "kidnap" you for the afternoon. I asked days ago...Mom & Pops have the van, and they have the kids. I hear that they will be heading to the Ft. Worth zoo tomorrow to meet Thomas, Rosie & Brooke. I've got the dogs being fed. Your Sunday school class is also covered.
The bags were packed--they are in the trunk. You only have to get us to the reservation place we are staying, "A Little Waltz."
We talked one night, weeks ago and you made comment that started me thinking. You said we never just talk anymore. We discuss schedules, work, kids, church, school and such but we never visit anymore, we never have an opportunity to really, really focus on us--you and me, the couple we established almost 15 years ago.
YOU are the love of my life, my center, my foundation, you complete me. We need this time to re-connect, and recapture that crazy time, long ago, when we were silly in love and oblivious to all that surrounded us.
So happy anniversary...early. I'm looking forward to focusing on you, and me and putting us first, this entire weekend.
I love you, Edie
We had a tremendous weekend, and we did re-connect. We had such fun! Wandering around the shops, eating terrific food. That Saturday night, at an Italian restaurant, as we were eating, a lady approached our table and asked Jim if he was Anthony Edwards (Dr. Green from ER)....he said no, and I almost snotted tea out of my nose I was laughing so hard!
So, kidnap the one you love sometime! It will create memories to be treasured always!
I thank God for revealing this precious memory around Valentine's Day -- just my little peek into Jim's keepsakes box that overwhelms me gave me such a strong feeling of Jim's love at just the right time...

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